Acta Botanica Islandica
Acta Botanica Islandica (1972– ) is a scientific journal dedicated to the botanical study of the flora of Iceland. Content is mainly in English, although individual papers in French and German have also been published. Publication is irregular. The last issue of Acta Botanica Islandica was published in 2011.
Acta Botanica Islandica is available for purchase at IINH offices in Garðabær and Akureyri. Copies can also be ordered by e-mail at
The articles of journals 1–15 are also available in PDF format (see below).
Guðríður Gyða Eyjólfsdóttir is the journal editor and Starri Heiðmarsson is the assistant editor.
Acta Botanica Islandica 15, 2011
Mathiassen, G., A. Granmo, G.G. Eyjólfsdóttir and Ø. Stensrud 2011. Hypoxylon macrosporum P. Karst., a new species for Iceland. Acta Bot. Isl. 15: 3–9.
Ingimundardóttir, G.V., H. Kristinsson and K. Anamthawat-Jónsson 2011. Cytotaxonomical study of Draba incana L. from Iceland. Acta Bot. Isl. 15: 11–22.
Richardson, M.J. 2011. Additions to the Coprophilous Mycota of Iceland. Acta Bot. Isl. 15: 23–49.
An erratum in Acta Botanica Islandica no. 14 (2004) p. 93. Acta Bot. Isl. 15: 50.
Brackel, W. von. 2011. Lichenopeltella rangiferinae sp. nov. and some other lichenicolous fungi from Iceland. Acta Bot. Isl. 15: 51-60.
Munda, I.M. 2011. Floristic and vegetational discontinuity along the frontal zone in southeastern Iceland. Acta Bot. Isl. 15: 61-79.
An overview of Ivka Maria Munda's algal research in Iceland 1963–2009. Acta Bot. Isl. 15: 81–84.
Acta Botanica Islandica 14, 2004
Munda, I.M. 2004. The Tjörnes Peninsula – a site of different vegetation patterns in the North of Iceland (pdf, 5,5 MB) Acta Bot. Isl. 14: 3–52.
Svane, S.J. og V. Alstrup 2004. Some Lichenicolous fungi from Iceland (pdf, 300 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 14: 53–58.
Hoshino, T., M. Kiriaki, I. Yumoto and A. Kawakami 2004. Genetic and biological characteristics of Typhula ishikariensis from Northern Iceland (pdf, 600 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 14: 59–70.
Hoshino, T., M. Gaard, M. Kiriaki and I. Yumoto 2004. A snow mold fungus, Typhula incarnata, from the Faroe Islands (pdf, 300 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 14: 71–76.
Richardson, M.J. 2004. Coprophilous fungi from Iceland (pdf, 550 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 14: 77–102.
Munda, I.M. 2004. The structure and distribution of Fucacean associations in the Icelandic coastal area (pdf, 2,6 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 14: 103–159.
Acta Botanica Islandica 13, 2000
Gulden, G. and H. Hallgrímsson 2000. The genera Galerina Earle and Phaeogalera Kühner (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) in Iceland (pdf, 2,5 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 13: 3–54.
Munda, I. 2000. Macrophytobenthos of brackish lagoons and inlets in northeastern Iceland (pdf, 640 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 13: 55–68.
Berger, F. 2000. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flechten und lichenicolen Pilze Islands (pdf, 640 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 13: 69–82.
Acta Botanica Islandica 12, 1995
Melot, J. 1995. Le genre Cortinarius en Islande II (pdf, 1 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 12: 69–94.
Kristinsson, H. 1995. Additions to the lichen flora of Iceland III (pdf, 250 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 12: 63–68.
Eyjólfsdóttir, G.G. 1995. Soil fungi isolated from Icelandic barmland (pdf, 370 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 12:53–62.
Hallgrímsson, H. and K. Hauerslev 1995. Lignicolous Jelly Fungi and Aphyllophorales in Iceland (pdf, 790 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 12: 35–52.
Weber, W.A. 1995. A Bibliography of the published works of Áskell Löve (pdf, 1,3 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 12: 6–34.
Weber, W.A 1995. Áskell Löve, 1916-1994. In Memoriam (pdf, 200 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 12: 3–5.
Acta Botanica Islandica 11, 1992
Melot, J. 1992. Le genre Cortinarius en Islande (pdf, 840 KB). I. Acta Bot. Isl. 11: 89–110.
Munda, I.M. 1992. Hornstrandir: a conspicuous area of vegetation shift in the extreme Northwest of Iceland (pdf, 5,9 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 11: 17–88.
Gunnlaugsdóttir, E. 1992. Nomenclatural type relevés of Icelandic heathland associations and subassociations (pdf, 150 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 11: 13–16.
Roll-Hansen, F. 1992. Important pathogenic fungi on conifers in Iceland (pdf, 160 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 11: 9–12.
Czeczuga, B. and H. Kristinsson 1992. Investigations on Carotenoids in Lichens XXXIII. Carotenoids in lichens from heathland in Iceland (pdf, 260 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 11: 3–8.
Acta Botanica Islandica 10, 1990
Kristinsson, H. 1990. Recent literature on the botany of Iceland VI (pdf, 950 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 10:45–67.
Orange, A. 1990. New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Iceland (pdf, 340 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 10: 37–44.
Hallgrímsson, H. and H.F. Götzsche 1990. Notes on Ascomycetes II: Discomycetes (pdf, 300 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 10: 31–36.
Hallgrímsson, H. and T. Schumacher 1990. Notes on Ascomycetes I: Scutellinia (Cooke) Lamb (pdf, 160 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 10: 27–30.
Gartmann, F. 1990. Three species of flowering plants new for Greenland (pdf, 120 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 10: 23–25.
Gøtzsche, H.F. 1992. Notes on Icelandic Myxomycetes (pdf, 780 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 10: 3–21.
Acta Botanica Islandica 9, 1987
Hallgrímsson, H. 1987. The family Geoglossaceae in Iceland (pdf, 350 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 9: 61–67.
Thannheiser, D. 1987. Die Pflanzengesellschaften der isländischen Salzwiesen (pdf, 990 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 9: 35–60.
Gøtzsche, H.F. 1987. Some operculate discomycetes (Pezizales) from Iceland (pdf, 640 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 9: 20–34.
Venzke, J.-F. 1987. On the ecology and plant-sociology of "melur"- vegetation in Iceland (pdf, 750 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 9: 3–18.
Acta Botanica Islandica 8, 1985
Kristinsson, H. 1985. The lichen flora of the outer Hvalfjörður area in West Iceland (pdf, 840 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 8: 31–50.
Jóhannsson, B. 1985. Five species excluded from the Icelandic bryophyte flora (pdf, 70 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 8: 29–30.
Gunnarsson, K. 1985. The genus Vaucheria (Xanthophyceae) in Iceland. I. Marine and brackish water species from West Iceland (pdf, 210 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 8: 21–27.
Watling, R. 1985. The Agaricales of Iceland (Íslenskir hattsveppir) VI. Icelandic species of Bolbitiaceae (pdf, 560 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 8: 3–19.
Acta Botanica Islandica 7, 1984
Jóhannsson, B. 1984. Notes on some Icelandic bryophyte species (pdf, 620 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 7: 37–50.
Daniels, F.J.A. and C.M. Van Herk 1984. Equisetum hiemale L. found in Greenland (pdf, 260 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 7: 31–36.
Guðleifsson, B.E. 1984. Tribonema viride (Xanthophyta) on cultivated grassland during winter and spring (pdf, 250 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 7: 27–30.
Gøtzsche, H.F. 1984. Contributions to the Myxomycetes flora of Iceland (pdf, 630 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 7: 13–26.
Holm, K. and L. Holm 1984. A contribution to the mycoflora of Iceland (pdf, 300 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 7: 3–14.
Acta Botanica Islandica 6, 1981
Hallgrímsson, H. 1981. Obituary. Ingimar A. Óskarsson (pdf, 130 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 6: 45–47.
Jóhannsson, B. 1981. Additions and corrections to the moss flora of Iceland (pdf, 70 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 6: 43–44.
Hallgrímsson, H. 1981. Preliminary account of the Icelandic species of Tricholomataceae (pdf, 550 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 6: 29–41.
Kristinsson, H. 1981. Additions to the lichen flora of Iceland II (pdf, 250 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 6: 23–28.
Kristinsson, H. 1981. Recent Literature on the Botany of Iceland V (pdf, 330 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 6: 15–22.
Henriksson, E. and L.E. Henriksson 1981. Beggiatoas as pioneers in volcanic soils of Surtsey, Iceland (pdf, 170 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 6: 11–14.
Guðleifsson, B.E. 1981. Some foliicolous fungi on grasses in North Iceland (pdf, 280 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 6: 3–10.
Acta Botanica Islandica 5, 1979
Óskarsson I. 1979. A new Hieracium species found in South Iceland (Eu-Hieracia - Sect. Tridentata) (pdf, 80 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 5: 71–73.
Kristinsson; H. 1979. Recent Literature on the Botany of Iceland IV (pdf, 300 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 5: 63–70.
Broady, P.A. 1979. The terrestrial algae of Glerárdalur, Akureyri, Iceland (pdf, 2,2 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 5: 3–60.
Acta Botanica Islandica 4, 1977
Book reviews (pdf, 130 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 78–80.
Hallgrímsson, H. 1977. Notes on Icelandic desmids (Chlorophyta, Desmidiaceae) (pdf, 190 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 75–77.
Kristinsson, H. 1977. Recent Literature on the Botany of Iceland III (pdf, 330 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 67–74.
Gunnarsson, K. and K. Þórisson 1977. The effect of sewage on the distribution and cover of littoral algae near Reykjavík. Preliminary results (pdf, 260 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 58–66.
Kristinsson, H. and B.E. Guðleifsson 1977. The activity of low-temperature fungi under the snow cover in Iceland (pdf, 630 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 44–57.
Henriksson, L.E. 1977. Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to Surtsey lava soils on the growth of a test plant (Avena sativa L.) (pdf, 300 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 36–43.
Steindórsson, S. 1977. Some notes on the shore vegetation of Iceland (pdf, 530 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 19–35.
Musselman, L.J. og S.D. Rich 1977. Notes on the hemiparasite, Bartsia alpina (Scrophulariaceae) (pdf, 100 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 16–18.
Rodgers, A.G. and E. Henriksson 1977. Associations between the blue-green algae Anabaena variabilis and Nostoc muscorum and the moss Funaria hygrometrica with reference to the colonization of Surtsey (pdf, 220 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 10–15.
Rückert, G. 1977. Myxobakterien (Myxobacteiales) in natürlichen und naturnahen Substraten aus der europäischen Subarktis (pdf, 240 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 4: 4–9.
Acta Botanica Islandica 3, 1975
Kristinsson, H. 1975. Recent Literature on the Botany of Iceland II (pdf, 130 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 3: 102–104.
Magnússon, S. 1975. Additions to the bryophyte flora of Iceland (pdf, 60 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 3: 100–101.
Jóhannsson, B. 1975. Thirteen moss species recorded new to Iceland (pdf, 90 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 3: 97–99.
Frahm, J.-P. 1975. Moosgesellschaften an Küstenfelsen in West-Island (pdf, 370 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 3: 89–96.
Henriksson, L.E. and E. Henriksson 1975. Occurrence of fungi on the volcanic island of Surtsey, Iceland (pdf, 320 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 3: 82–88.
Helgi Hallgrímsson 1975. Íslenzkir hattsveppir IV. Hygrophoraceae (Vaxfönungaætt) (pdf, 1,4 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 3: 36–81.
Kristinsson, H. 1975. The vegetation of Þjórsárver, Central Iceland. I. The lichens (pdf, 540 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 3: 21–35.
Johnson, T.W. 1975. Aquatic fungi of Iceland: Brevilegnia bispora Couch, and some related forms (pdf, 800 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 3: 3–20.
Acta Botanica Islandica 2, 1973
Kristinsson, H. 1973. Recent literature on the botany of Iceland I (pdf, 450 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 2: 67–76.
Óskarsson, I. 1973. A new Hieracium species found in North-Iceland (Eu-Hieracia - Sect. Alpina) (pdf, 90 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 2: 64–66.
Rückert, G. 1973. Biogeographische Untersuchungen über die Verbreitung Fruchtkörper-bildender Myxobakterien in Island (pdf, 340 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 2: 56–63.
Helgi Hallgrímsson, 1973. Íslenzkir hattsveppir III. Lepiotaceae (Agaricaceae pro parte), Gomphidiaceae, Paxillaceae, Crepidotaceae (pdf, 700 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 2: 29–55.
Caram, B. and S. Jónsson 1973. Sur la présence du Derbesia marina (L.) Kjellm. en Islande (pdf, 170 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 2: 25–28.
Johnson, T.W., H.L. Howard and D. Padgett 1973. Aquatic fungi of Iceland: Brevilegnia Coker & Couch (pdf, 720 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 2: 7–24.
Hörður Kristinsson 1973. Helgi Jónasson frá Gvendarstöðum (pdf, 220 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 2: 3–6.
Acta Botanica Islandica 1, 1972
1972. Ritfregnir (pdf, 180 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 1: 114–115.
Helgi Hallgrímsson 1972. Íslenzkir hattsveppir I. og II (pdf, 5,2 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 1: 73–113.
Jónsson, G. 1972. La reprise de croissance annuelle de la tige fasciée chez l'Evonymus japonicus Thunb. var. microphylla Jeager (pdf, 1,2 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 1: 61–72.
Webb, R. 1972. Vegetation cover on Icelandic thúfur (pdf, 680 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 1: 51–60.
Kristinsson, H. 1972. Additions to the lichen flora of Iceland I (pdf, 630 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 1: 43–50.
Helgi Jónasson 1972. Flóra Mývatnssveitar (pdf, 770 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 1: 32–42.
Caram, B. and S. Jónsson 1972. Nouvel inventaire des algues marines de l'Islande (pdf, 2,2 MB). Acta Bot. Isl. 1: 5–31.
Foreword (pdf, 190 KB). Acta Bot. Isl. 1: 3–4.